5 self-care habits that will change everything

These are some of basic essentials that I try to incorporate on – ideally – a daily basis. I find that if these 5 things are missing from my life for too long, I don’t quite feel like myself.

1. Sleep

I know that this seems basic, but with all the stress, deadlines, pressure, and hustle and bustle of daily life, generally the first thing to suffer is my sleep.

Growing up, I’ve always been told that 6 – 8 hours is enough to feel rested, but as it turns out, that’s not entire true!

Studies show that women need 8 – 10 hours of sleep minimum in order to have optimal brain function! There are other studies that have discovered that humans actually need more sleep during the winter!

Seriously, sleep is more important just for your regular brain and body function – and neglecting it can have much more serious side effects — especially long term.

2. Nature

According to the MHA Institute studies show that spending time in nature is linked to many positive mental health outcomes – improved focus, lower stress, better mood, and reduced risk of developing a mental health condition.

I couldn’t agree more. Even 15 minutes in the morning and evening on my balcony is enough to turn my mood around (and I have a parking lot view – nothing crazy).

My favorite way so incorporate more time outside is to opt for an outdoor workout, instead of driving my car to the gym.

Some of my favorite outdoor exercises are:
-bike riding
-skateboarding / roller skating

3. Journaling

Now that we’ve dealt with the physical, it’s time to talk about the mind and mental health.

Life these days is so constantly overwhelming.

I’ve been journaling for the past decade (that’s right, since I was 16 years old… maybe even younger), and it has been truly one of the greatest gifts I have ever given myself.

I cannot stress this enough but I believe that journaling has saved my life in more ways than one.

It has given me a place to put my thoughts, my feelings, my dreams, my disappointments. To vent. To get the things that swirl around in my head out – and onto paper.

It’s given me a space to be honest, vulnerable, and even angry with myself.

It’s given me the opportunity to look back on those feelings – when I overromanticize the past or feel nostalgic about situations

4. Reading

The mind is a muscle too, and it’s important to be constantly working on growing and expanding it.

Now I’m not saying you need to go pick up a medical journal… but spending even 15-30 minutes to slip away into a book, is so much better than simply of doom scrolling through social media (which we all know doesn’t make us feel any better).

Studies show that escaping into a book, or narrative absorption, helps to boost our mood, provides a sense of escape, and gives us an opportunity to meaningfully contemplate.

Other studies show that reading can:

  • strengthen brain function
  • improves vocabulary
  • increases emotional and social empathic skills
  • helps to prevent cognitive decline
  • reduces stress
  • improves sleep (if you read before bed)
  • alleviates symptoms of depression
  • and may even help you live longer

Needless to say, this is definitely one self care habit that has a plethora of benefits.

5. Alone time

This is a must for me.

While I definitely am a social butterfly, time alone gives me space to decompress, unwind, and clean my mental and spiritual energy.

Time alone also gives me the opportunity to invest time into my hobbies like painting, writing, exercise, and playing the piano.

It might sound obvious, but self care starts with taking the time to take care of yourself. To clean your space, to take a bubble bath, or actually pull out that journal and start writing things down.

I try to dedicate at least one day out of the week to myself, to really hold myself and give myself the care and the space that I deserve.

Whatever self-care looks like for you, the most important part is to be kind and gentle with yourself. Remember, we are all humans, we are imperfect, we are all doing our best and taking the steps to try to be 1% better every day.

Stay soft, stay strong.

Xoxo – Deia Sunshine

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